Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Friends are for Favoring

 When I was kid and would go to a friend's birthday party, I would  inevitably come home with a bag of goodies. Inside it could be candy, stickers, magnets, some small, strange sticky thing that's supposed to glow in the dark. Not only did little Jimmy invite me to his party... but LOOK what I had to SHOW for it.

Then I grew up (sort of) and will attend a wedding and inevitably bring home a memento: some chocolates, a bag of sea shells, a bird-feeder, a small candle that's supposed to resemble some object and smell like chamomile. Sentimental sap that I grew into, I appreciate a token from such happy occasion.

But what about all the parties in between?
What do I have to show for them?
I move to BRING BACK THE PARTY FAVOR! Full swing!

Came to my dinner party? Here is a pretty notecard with the recipe to tonight's dish.

Attended my Halloween Party? Here is skull shaped bar of soap.

Had a blast at Sunday's ladies bruncheon? Here is a satchel of  lavender for your sock drawer.

Come on! Let's get creative and thank our awesome friends for making our happy days happier.

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