Friday, September 4, 2009

Saddle up and be a man about it.

Some girls like lace. I like laces--on  two-tone, brown saddle shoes, to be exact. I am on to my third pair (in 4 years) of Bass oxford style saddle shoes. My first pair, as some will remember, were christened: my magic shoes (and still cast spells from deep within my closet.)

Though the classic, black and white saddle shoe often brings to mind giggling girls named Joan in poodle skirts, drinking malted-milkshakes and watching a How to know if Bobby likes you video, the brown oxford style is more like something Bobby, himself, would have worn.

Something magical happens in that small step over the gender line. It's flirtatious androgyny and man, does it make me feel good. While, yes, I too fawn over the dresses in Mad Men, I feel I am at my best in amalgamated, boy-meets-girl style.

1 comment:

  1. I love them, on you. While I could never pull the style off, they already fit the tiny bit of your personality I got to know :)

    PS: I was Myspace stalking you (aka your music), and ended up here, I promise I'm not creepy, haha.
